Taurus Halloween Costume

Taurus Halloween Costume

A boxing champ is a great costume idea for the gentile giant that is a Taurus personality.  Taurus ladies are known to be very strong, hard working, and persistent.  Everything needed for this profession.  They are also very patient and never spontaneous, they always think before acting just like a boxer while in the ring.  Earthy hues are best on you, so opt for browns and pastels for your costume instead of stark or vibrant colors often associated with boxing robes.  Taurus’s love luxury and labels, so adding designer brown gloves (your best color) would make a Taurus infinitely happy on this holiday.  Don’t forget to fake a black eye to complete the look.

Aries Halloween Costume

Aries Halloween Costume

Arians are the boss, and everyone knows it.  Leadership, confidence, aggression, and a sense of adventure are the epitome of Aries.  They are also a constant ball of energy like the flame of a fire which is their element.  Channel all of those features into a sassy Devil costume that also allows you to show off your signature red color.  It’s also no coincidence that rams (your sign) and the Devil both have horns.  If you’re not comfortable in an overtly sexy costume, you can also don a longer red dress, black pumps, and a cape to stay warm during the fall weather.

Aquarius Halloween Costume

Aquarius Halloween Costume

Aquarians are forward thinking, independent, cleaver, and rebellious individuals which is why a Rosie the Riveter costume is perfect for this sign.  Aquarians do not like to follow convention, and often fight to pave their own ways.  Aquarius ladies aren’t the most into fashion of the zodiac, so a simple, easy, but powerful costume is perfect for this girl.  Don’t forget to tie the shirt in the front and show off those biceps.

Scorpio Halloween Costume

Scorpio Halloween Costume

Halloween is for the Scorpio ladies.  Black, sexy, and mysterious are all words to describe this sign on a daily basis so let it shine on this holiday, plus October 31st falls during the Scorpio rule.  You have too many costume choices to choose from : vampire, sorceress, Medusa, Morticia Addams, I could go on.  I chose Maleficent since black, deep purple, and blood red are your three best colors.  Also, personality wise if you follow the live action Disney version you fit this character to a tee.  Loyal, passionate, mysterious, attractive, powerful, but also distrustful, and vengeful.  Add your signature snake talisman to your staff to show off your Scorpio ways during the festivities.

Leo running errands

Leo running errands

You are the queen and you want everyone to know it, so wear it on your tee while you’re out and about. Gold is your statement color, so a big expensive, timeless watch goes with everything. Even though you’re running errands that doesn’t mean you can’t don a huge statement ring which includes your birthstone peridot and looks like something an ancient queen would wear. A big gold bag with fringe that is reminiscent of a lion’s mane or the sun shows off your sign. You rule animal print, so add some with your shoes and tortoise shell sunnies. Top of the look with a bold red lipgloss.