Cancer Bundled Up

Cancer Bundled Up

Cancers are a very classy sign, so add some dramatic class to your outfits while running around town in the bitter cold.  Cancers adore ponchos so a cape jacket is perfect for them.  Make sure the most fabric on your body (your jacket in this case) isn’t black since that color can tend to drag down your mood.  However, you do have an affinity for it so add the color in through accessories.  Lighten it up with some champagne colored boots, and a silvery blue crab brooch to show off your sign.  Brooch’s are also great for you since they’re usually fastened on the bosom which your signs rules.

Scorpio Winter

Scorpio Winter

Winter is the perfect time to pull out all your black and leather clothing that you adore.  Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you can be sexy Scorpio.  Although you love dark colors, purple is a great color for you so lighten it up a little with a winter lavender to compliment your love of black.